Enigma III Encryption Cipher Machine - Escape Room Challenge
- $ 36.00
- $ 36.00
Our mid level Enigma Machine will provide an extreme challenge for your Escape Rooms. This Encryption Machine is not recommended for Escape Rooms with a time limit of under 60 minutes. Encrypt a clue to the next challenge or how to proceed further in your Escape room with this Encryption Machine.
For additional information on customizing your Escape Room and this item please visit our Custom Work Page .
You can also Contact us with your questions , we love questions!
The Enigma III uses the same frame as the Enigma II size small, but puts the letter on BOTH sides of the gears. This takes the number of possible keys from 4,056 to 32,448, the same as the original German Enigma of WWII.
Hardwood construction with gears cut from 1/4" thick wood. All letters are deeply laser engraved into the wood. The gears turn on alloy steel pins. Measures about 9.4" x 3.5"
Designed and built by Dave Janelle and Bob Nolet - Creative Crafthouse Hudson, FL.
For additional information on customizing your Escape Room and this item please visit our Custom Work Page .
Please click the link for detailed instruction on how to use the Enigma III .
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