Enigma Slide Rule Cipher for Escape Rooms
- $ 36.00
- $ 36.00
The Enigma slide rule cipher utilizes classic Vigenere polyalphabetic substitution logic in an easy to use yet very secure manner. The linear design also incorporates the use of numbers, special characters, and punctuation. These are rarely seen in ciphers, but they are useful features that can make encoding messages much faster and clearer.
This instruction manual will provide examples of using the cipher as well as a helpful worksheet that you can copy and use to help encode or decode your own messages. It can be used and enjoyed by both novices or experts.
Woods used are Cherry, maple and alder. All markings are laser engraved for both beauty and durability. The cipher measures 9.5" x 2"
A series of 5 challenge messages are provided for you to try and solve. Hints are given but the messages get harder as you progress. Answers are provided for the first 4 challenges.
Design by Dave Janelle with inspiration from the 1939 “Dick Tracy Secret Code Maker” built by Lawrence Engineering
© 2016 CreativeCrafthouse ® Made in Hudson, Florida
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